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"B" Wordy Stretchy Beaded Bracelets
"B" Wordy Stretchy Beaded Bracelets
"B" Wordy Stretchy Beaded Bracelets
"B" Wordy Stretchy Beaded Bracelets
"B" Wordy Stretchy Beaded Bracelets

"B" Wordy Stretchy Beaded Bracelets


Wordy natural Stone stretchy bracelet. 6MM matte onyx natural stones, acrylic letter beads, sterling silver bead cover with sterling plated realia by jen tag.

Onyx is said to promote vigor, steadfastness and stamina. As well it imparts self-confidence, helping one to be at ease in their surroundings. Onyx has been known to help ease grief, enhance self-control and stimulate the power of wise decision-making.

All natural stones are unique and thus each piece of realia by jen jewelry containing natural stones will have slight variations.


